Working in partnership with Quad Contracts, the Restore London team carried out brick cleaning & façade repairs to front & rear of this high-end property. Works included repointing, decorations, metal work, balcony repairs, & roof works. A complete refurbishment to the roof included: renewing & redirecting falls to the lead valley gutter, replacement hangers, chimney repairs, & complete renewal of all the Welsh slates. A new lead box gutter to the front parapet & extensive repairs to other leadwork was also completed.
We also demolished & renewed the two rear asphalt terraces including all insulation, leadworks, & new steel balustrades, plus new asphalt to the front balcony together with refurbishment of existing balustrade. A traditional soot wash was undertaken to the front façade (as specified by Westminster Council). We redesigned & replaced the existing front lightwell metal stairs and refurbished the front railings – all works were completed on time and to the exacting quality standards required.
Across 40 Weeks
Private Client
Nov 21
Quad Contacts
Jamie Fobert CBE
Steve Baldock
Stephen Crampton
Liz Smith
Louise Priestman BA(Hons)
Brian Hutchison
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